Top 5 Supporters
#1 Roseanne's Research (Secret Wonders)
Every deck in modified runs four. SP decks can use it to fetch any basic and energy, but also because Cyrus's Conspiracy cannot get them Uxie to use its Set Up Poké-Power.
(velocidade aos decks SP, util para catar Uxies no deck)
#2 Cyrus's Conspiracy (Platinum)
In general, SP decks are in a favorable position against most decks when they get to play a Cyrus's Conspiracy on their first supporter turn. You get your choice of an early Power Spray, Energy Gain or SP Radar, an energy, and then another Cyrus to keep your options open, and usually repeat. It can also fetch Poké Turn, which is typically more useful mid to lategame.
(bem... eu nem vou traduzir pq ele simplismente diz o efeito da carta)
#3 Bebe's Search (Mysterious Treasures, Secret Wonders, Rising Rivals)
Not just any basic, but any evolution. It helps get your Claydol, which you want out ASAP to help develop your board. Non-SP decks always run 4 to maximize consistency. SP decks can run 1 or 2 to help play around Spiritomb's (Areceus) Keystone Seal Poké-Body or Dialga G's (Platinum) Deafen attack.
(Ela pega qualquer pokémon, ideal para buscar pokémons q ajudam ainda + (claydols, uxies...), decks Não Sps devem ter 4 para manter a consistencia (parece receita de bolo isso). decks SP devem carregar de 1 a 2 para evitar Spiritombs e Dialgas G travem seu jogo.)
#4 Cynthia's Feelings (Legends Awakened)
Cynthia's Feelings can save you in tough spots when you are without a Claydol or your Claydol has just been knocked out. It is also useful against decks that are able to consistently stop Poké-Powers, since you cannot use Claydol's Cosmic Power. It fits best in stage two decks; SP decks often opt to play 0 or 1 because Cyrus's Conspiracy is so much more powerful, and can always fetch the Cynthia's if needed.
(ela é ideal para entrar em cena apois a queda do seu Claydol, ou contra decks q travam o power dele. decks SP devem, conter no maximo uma pois o cyrus já oferece muita ajuda (e falando serio trava ela, tipo morreu um seu, o cyrus vai ter q buscar ela ainda...))
#5 Aaron's Collection (Rising Rivals)
Getting your SP Pokémon, including level X's straight back to your hand can help you win what would otherwise be a difficult endgame spot for an SP deck. Get back a Luxray GL and Luxray GL LV X (Rising Rivals) for a game-winning Bright Look, or a Garchomp LV X (Supreme Victors) for the final Dragon Rush KO.
(traz seu Pokémon SP + o Lv.X dele de vouta para mão para dar aquele ultimo hit)
Top 5 Stadiums
#1 Broken Time Space (Stormfront)
Broken Time Space allows stage two decks to be quick. Not only that, but it offers a neat trick with Super Scoop Up since you can pick up a stage two Pokémon to remove its damage and immediately re-evolve it back to a stage two.
(fantastico em decks de Stage 2, pricipalmnete se combado com super scope up, q traz seu poké de vouta para remover marcadores e depois evolui ele de novo. (e é Stadium ou sejá vc pode usar mesmo quando um spiritomb ta enchendo seu saco...))
#2 Snowpoint Temple (Legends Awakened)
Snowpoint Temple is a great stadium for SP Decks, since they run all basics and will benefit most from it. Dialga G LV X in particular works best since it becomes very difficult to KO with 120 HP, special metal energies, and an additional +20 HP.
(o aliado dos decks SP, é bastante forte se combado com Dialga G Lv.X q com 120 de HP + energias metalicas, já é meio q um tanquer, com +20 de hp então..)
#3 Moonlight Stadium (Great Encounters)
Moonlight Stadium is particularly strong in Gengar/Spiritomb decks because it allows you to use your Gengar (Areceus) to attack with Shadow Skip, promoting Spiritomb (Areceus) or Mr. Mime (Mysterious Treasures), two Pokémon with a retreat cost of one. Moonlight Stadium allows you to retreat next turn without wasting energy, attack with Gengar, and repeat the process.
(basicamente num mundo em q muitos carregam pokémons Psyquicos e Spiritombs este stadium se mostra bastante util)
#4 Galactic HQ (Platinum)
A good choice for just about any SP deck, and works well with Dialga G's (Platinum) Second Strike attack.
(Exelente em decks SP, e com o Dialga G por causa do seu segundo ataque (q bate +20 caso o oponente já tenha sofrido 20 de dano...)
#5 Conductive Quarry (Stormfront)
Yet another card particularly useful with Dialga G LV X (Platinum), Conductive Quarry is the only option to get special metals back from your discard in SP decks.
(bem outra citação ao Dialga G, + eu ainda acho este stadium + util no electivire de Motor Drive)
Four of the top five trainers are SP trainers. What makes them so good? They're just too good. These kind of trainers don't exist for normal Pokémon - and they are easily accessible with Cyrus's Conspiracy (Platinum).
#1 Poké Turn (Platinum)
If you can't OHKO SP Pokémon, you are going to lose. SP Pokémon attack for one-two energy with energy gain, and if you fall short of a OHKO, your opponent will Poké Turn and make your attacks a waste of time. Poké Turn allows you to re-use some of the best Poké-Powers in the game: Crobat G's Flash Bite, Garchomp C LX X's Healing Breath, and Luxray LV X's Bright Look.
Energy Gain allows SP decks to be devastatingly fast. Just like Poké Turn, you can use Cyrus's Conspiracy to easily access an Energy Gain on your first turn (if you are not playing first).
Before SP Radar, SP decks were a little less consistent. Since its release, Cyrus's Conspiracy (Platinum) can now also work like a Bebe's Search, fetching an SP Radar to then fetch any SP Pokémon.
Every non-SP deck might as well run one, some decks (especially ones that can discard cards) run more than one just for the consistency. Being able to fetch any Pokémon without wasting your supporter lets you develop your Pokémon quickly.
Power Spray can win games. Sometimes early by stopping a crucial Uxie Set Up Poké-Power, sometimes late by stopping a Garchomp C LV X's (Supreme Victors) Healing Breath, a Crobat G's (Platinum) Flash Bite, or just about anything. Stage two or stage one level X Pokémon that have one-time come into play powers, like Gliscor LV X (Legends Awakened) are devastated by Power Spray.