
continuação do top de Jason...

Top 5 Supporters

#1 Roseanne's Research (Secret Wonders)
Every deck in modified runs four. SP decks can use it to fetch any basic and energy, but also because Cyrus's Conspiracy cannot get them Uxie to use its Set Up Poké-Power.

(velocidade aos decks SP, util para catar Uxies no deck)

#2 Cyrus's Conspiracy (Platinum)
In general, SP decks are in a favorable position against most decks when they get to play a Cyrus's Conspiracy on their first supporter turn. You get your choice of an early Power Spray, Energy Gain or SP Radar, an energy, and then another Cyrus to keep your options open, and usually repeat. It can also fetch Poké Turn, which is typically more useful mid to lategame.

(bem... eu nem vou traduzir pq ele simplismente diz o efeito da carta)

#3 Bebe's Search (Mysterious Treasures, Secret Wonders, Rising Rivals)
Not just any basic, but any evolution. It helps get your Claydol, which you want out ASAP to help develop your board. Non-SP decks always run 4 to maximize consistency. SP decks can run 1 or 2 to help play around Spiritomb's (Areceus) Keystone Seal Poké-Body or Dialga G's (Platinum) Deafen attack.

(Ela pega qualquer pokémon, ideal para buscar pokémons q ajudam ainda + (claydols, uxies...), decks Não Sps devem ter 4 para manter a consistencia (parece receita de bolo isso). decks SP devem carregar de 1 a 2 para evitar Spiritombs e Dialgas G travem seu jogo.)

#4 Cynthia's Feelings (Legends Awakened)
Cynthia's Feelings can save you in tough spots when you are without a Claydol or your Claydol has just been knocked out. It is also useful against decks that are able to consistently stop Poké-Powers, since you cannot use Claydol's Cosmic Power. It fits best in stage two decks; SP decks often opt to play 0 or 1 because Cyrus's Conspiracy is so much more powerful, and can always fetch the Cynthia's if needed.

(ela é ideal para entrar em cena apois a queda do seu Claydol, ou contra decks q travam o power dele. decks SP devem, conter no maximo uma pois o cyrus já oferece muita ajuda (e falando serio trava ela, tipo morreu um seu, o cyrus vai ter q buscar ela ainda...))

#5 Aaron's Collection (Rising Rivals)
Getting your SP Pokémon, including level X's straight back to your hand can help you win what would otherwise be a difficult endgame spot for an SP deck. Get back a Luxray GL and Luxray GL LV X (Rising Rivals) for a game-winning Bright Look, or a Garchomp LV X (Supreme Victors) for the final Dragon Rush KO.

(traz seu Pokémon SP + o Lv.X dele de vouta para mão para dar aquele ultimo hit)

Top 5 Stadiums

#1 Broken Time Space (Stormfront)
Broken Time Space allows stage two decks to be quick. Not only that, but it offers a neat trick with Super Scoop Up since you can pick up a stage two Pokémon to remove its damage and immediately re-evolve it back to a stage two.

(fantastico em decks de Stage 2, pricipalmnete se combado com super scope up, q traz seu poké de vouta para remover marcadores e depois evolui ele de novo. (e é Stadium ou sejá vc pode usar mesmo quando um spiritomb ta enchendo seu saco...))

#2 Snowpoint Temple (Legends Awakened)
Snowpoint Temple is a great stadium for SP Decks, since they run all basics and will benefit most from it. Dialga G LV X in particular works best since it becomes very difficult to KO with 120 HP, special metal energies, and an additional +20 HP.

(o aliado dos decks SP, é bastante forte se combado com Dialga G Lv.X q com 120 de HP + energias metalicas, já é meio q um tanquer, com +20 de hp então..)

#3 Moonlight Stadium (Great Encounters)
Moonlight Stadium is particularly strong in Gengar/Spiritomb decks because it allows you to use your Gengar (Areceus) to attack with Shadow Skip, promoting Spiritomb (Areceus) or Mr. Mime (Mysterious Treasures), two Pokémon with a retreat cost of one. Moonlight Stadium allows you to retreat next turn without wasting energy, attack with Gengar, and repeat the process.

(basicamente num mundo em q muitos carregam pokémons Psyquicos e Spiritombs este stadium se mostra bastante util)

#4 Galactic HQ (Platinum)
A good choice for just about any SP deck, and works well with Dialga G's (Platinum) Second Strike attack.

(Exelente em decks SP, e com o Dialga G por causa do seu segundo ataque (q bate +20 caso o oponente já tenha sofrido 20 de dano...)

#5 Conductive Quarry (Stormfront)
Yet another card particularly useful with Dialga G LV X (Platinum), Conductive Quarry is the only option to get special metals back from your discard in SP decks.

(bem outra citação ao Dialga G, + eu ainda acho este stadium + util no electivire de Motor Drive)

Top 5 Trainers
Four of the top five trainers are SP trainers. What makes them so good? They're just too good. These kind of trainers don't exist for normal Pokémon - and they are easily accessible with Cyrus's Conspiracy (Platinum).

#1 Poké Turn (Platinum)

If you can't OHKO SP Pokémon, you are going to lose. SP Pokémon attack for one-two energy with energy gain, and if you fall short of a OHKO, your opponent will Poké Turn and make your attacks a waste of time. Poké Turn allows you to re-use some of the best Poké-Powers in the game: Crobat G's Flash Bite, Garchomp C LX X's Healing Breath, and Luxray LV X's Bright Look.

#2 Energy Gain (Platinum)
Energy Gain allows SP decks to be devastatingly fast. Just like Poké Turn, you can use Cyrus's Conspiracy to easily access an Energy Gain on your first turn (if you are not playing first).

#3 SP Radar (Rising Rivals)
Before SP Radar, SP decks were a little less consistent. Since its release, Cyrus's Conspiracy (Platinum) can now also work like a Bebe's Search, fetching an SP Radar to then fetch any SP Pokémon.

#4 Luxury Ball (Stormfront)
Every non-SP deck might as well run one, some decks (especially ones that can discard cards) run more than one just for the consistency. Being able to fetch any Pokémon without wasting your supporter lets you develop your Pokémon quickly.

#5 Power Spray (Platinum)
Power Spray can win games. Sometimes early by stopping a crucial Uxie Set Up Poké-Power, sometimes late by stopping a Garchomp C LV X's (Supreme Victors) Healing Breath, a Crobat G's (Platinum) Flash Bite, or just about anything. Stage two or stage one level X Pokémon that have one-time come into play powers, like Gliscor LV X (Legends Awakened) are devastated by Power Spray.

Noteworthy: Rare Candy (Great Encounters), Super Scoop Up (Diamond & Pearl, Majestic Dawn), Expert Belt (Arceus)

Top da DP-ON de Jason Klaczynski

bem Jason Klaczynski bi-campeão mundial categoria Master, listou seus Tops da DP-ON...

o Top está originalmemnte no site:


q tb esta nos links relacionados deste mesmo blog...

(na parte de pokémon tem uma coluna somente dele, procurem lá...)

bem com vcs o TOP(+ ou - traduzindo, com minhas palavras e alguns comentarios meus...):

Top 10 Pokémon

#10 Unown G (Great Encounters)

A great counter to Gengar's (Stormfront) Shadow Room attack, Machamp's (Stormfront) Take Out attack, a way to protect your own Gengar from some tricks around Fainting Spell, and overall useful against an endless list of special conditions and tricks decks have, Unown G is a staple in every modified deck - most stage two decks should run two.

(bem, Unow G é a grande arma contra Gengar's e Machamp's, e pode ser usando tb para proteger o gengar contra truques ant-Fainting Speel (Toxic por exemplo), alem de evitar condições especias e decks baseados nelas.)

#9 Toxicroak G (Promo)
Poison Revenge is such a sick option for SP decks because you can be left with nothing in play and still respond for a one energy 60+Poison using Energy Gain. Fighting type is great against Luxray LV X (Rising Rivals). After using its attack for a KO, it can only do 20, but its Leap Away Poké-Power is an easy way to get it out of the active position.

(bem ele é ideal em decks SP, para revidar apos um perder prize (hooo, grande novidade), bem, com uma energia + energy gain, ele causa 60 + Poison. Ele tb é bastante ultil para varrer um outro poké SP bastante usado: Luxray Lv.X., bem ele derruba o coitado com um hit..., Leap Away, permite a ele a recuar e deixar um outro pokémon melhor para ser ativo)


#8 Gengar (Stormfront)
There are a dozen tricks to play around Fainting Spell: using poison/burn to KO, placing damage counters with your own Gengar's Shadow Room attack, using Crobat G's Flash Bite Poké-Power etc. However, you can use Nidoqueen (RR), Blissey (PL) and Unown G (GE) to make it more difficult for your opponent to play around it. When your opponent cannot play around Fainting Spell, Gengar becomes ridiculously powerful. A single Fainting Spell heads is usually going to win you the game. Shadow Room is a great attack in this Poké-Power filled format.

(Existem inumeras formas do oponente ignorar o Fainting Spell (leia acima q ñ sou escravo). Porem vc pode usar cartas como Nidoqueen ou Unown G (acho a Blissey da PL de utilidade questionavel), para dificutar q seu oponente usar estes artificios. Bem e se seu oponente ñ tiver como contra atacar o Fainting Spell a partida se torna ridicula (discordo, + é a opinião dele).

#7 Relicanth (Supreme Victors)
In a format filled with Pokémon Tools (Energy Gain, Expert Belt, Unown G, Unown Q) and stadiums, Relicanth has what is the best one-energy attack in the history of the Pokémon card game: Grand Swell. A single Roseanne's Research can catch someone off-guard for a game-winning 60, 90, sometimes 120 to anything.

(neste novo formato em q existem inumeras cartas e estrategias voltadas para Pokémons Tools e stadiums, Relicanth aparece com o melhor ataque de uma energia da historia do card game de pokémon (é ele q ta dizendo!!!!). Uma simples Roseanne's Research pode varrer o jogo causando 60, 90 ou até 120 de dano de uma vez...)

#6 Spiritomb (Arceus)
In a format dominated by SP decks, one Pokémon has rebalanced the playing field. Opening with Spiritomb can devastate many SP decks; disabling them from playing SP Radar and Energy Gain can slow them down 2+ turns. Meanwhile, Darkness Grace allows you evolve your Pokémon and Keystone Seal stops your Claydol's Cosmic Power from being Power Sprayed. But don't think of Spiritomb as only anti SP card; it's great against slowing down fast stage two decks by taking away their Rare Candy (Great Encounters) option.

(Spiritomb alem de acelerar seu deck, atraza em muito decks SP, e decks de Stage 2, q usam basicamente Rare Candy...)

#5 Garchomp C LV X (Supreme Victors)
Garchomp C LV. X has so many things going for it. The fact that it is colorless makes it fit easily into any SP deck. It's free retreat makes its Healing Breath Poké-Power even stronger, since you can promote it after a KO, level-up, and easily retreat. And lastly, its attack is devastating against any deck. Having the option to KO a benched Claydol can put any stage two deck in a tough spot. The attack is also strong against other SP decks which run several 80 HP basics (Luxray GL, Blaziken FB, Skuntank G, Crobat G, Garchomp C.)

(ele veio para ser bastante usado em decks SP, pelos fatos dele ser Incolor, e pelo fato de ter CR0 + Healing Breath como poké-power... seu ataque ainda varre inumeros pokémons de 80 de HP do banco como o Claydol, e outros combatente (pricipalmente SPs).

#4 Luxray GL LV X (Rising Rivals)
Bright Look is simply too good. How good is it? It's good enough that people (including defending Masters World Champion Steve Silvestro) will occasionally add a 1-1 Luxray LV X to their decks even without lightning energy to attack, simply for its power. In SP decks, going first with a Luxray is a huge threat, because anything benched is subject to an easy Bright Look & Flash Impact KO via Cyrus's Conspiracy for Energy Gain/SP Radar. One weakness (quite literally) of Luxray LV X is its fighting weakness, which makes it an easy target for Toxicroak G (Promo) and Relicanth (Supreme Victors).

(Luxray GL Lv.X foi campeão mundial num deck q nem carregava energias eletricas, simplismente pelo seu power. Em decks Sp ele simplismente faz a festa, já q seu ataque tb é bom e bastante rapido (custo baixo), sua fraquesa é justamente contra lutadores (bastantes comuns) podendo ser facilmente derrubado por Toxicroak G (Promo) e Relicanth.)

#3 Claydol (Great Encounters)
Since its debut in 2008, Claydol has changed the modified format. It adds an element of consistency to every deck. Simply put, if you are not playing an SP Deck, you almost always need to devote 4 spots to a 2/2 Claydol line. Some decks may occasionally run an even heavier line. Just how good is Claydol? Many players play it in their SP decks, despite the lack of synergy it has with the rest of their Pokémon. The card is simply that good.

(bem ele puxa o saco do Claydol pq ele foi campeão com ele, + lá vai: Em 2008 ele modificou o formato vigente adicionando consistencia a todos os decks. Simplismente se vc ñ usa um deck SP, vc deve reservar 4 espaços no seu deck para ter 2/2 Claydol. O que há de bom no Claydol? ele faz decks SP ñ contem a fluides obitida com este pokémon. Ele é simplismente bom.)

#2 Uxie (Legends Awakened)
Just like Claydol, Uxie fits into all stage two decks. What makes it even better, though? It is the only Pokémon in modified that belongs in literally every deck. Uxie is an easily accessible card (Roseanne's Research/Bebe's Search/Luxury Ball can all access it so you can use Uxie's Set Up Poké-Power) that can turn an awful opening hand into a hand with options. Its Psychic Restore attack is a useful out to avoid Gengar's (Stormfront) Fainting Spell Poké-Power. Lastly, it also allows SP decks to replenish their hands when a simple Cyrus's Conspiracy isn't enough to keep your board developing.

(parceiro do Claydol, Uxie deve estar em todos os decks de stage 2. porque? bem, ele é de facil de obter no meio do jogo,e seu Psychic Restore é uma exelente arma contra Gengar's. decks SP usam ele como um restaurador de mão, q pode ser bastante ultil para caçar Cyrus no deck.)

#1 Crobat G (Platinum)
Poké Turn transforms Crobat G into a ridiculous card that makes Pokémon unpredictable. Pokémon that would otherwise be 30 HP away from a KO can be KO'd reasonably easily by the plethora of Poké Turns and Cyrus's Conspiracy that access them. Even stage two decks like Kingdra (Legends Awakened) and Gengar (Stormfront) run Crobat & Poké Turns to put things within one-hit KO range. Pokémon is a game won by one hit knock outs. Crobat G gets you those OHKO's.

(poké turn transformou Crobat G de pokémon ridiculo a um pokémon Inprecindivel (bem é por este fato q EU ñ otei ele nem no TOP 10 da coleção já q eu analizo a carta, e ñ o combo dela...). ele facilmente derruba pokémons já delibitados com a ajuda de Poké-Turns e Cyrus. bastante poderoso em decks de q já batem no banco, bem um pokemon para derrubar com apenas um Hit.)

Noteworthy: Bronzong G (Platinum), Kingdra (Legends Awakened), Gyarados (Stormfront), Dialga G & Dialga G LV X (Platinum), Azelf (Legends Awakened)

(bem... + tarde posto os Top de trainers dele)


Novas Cartas...

a nova coleção em ingles se chama HS - Unleashed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

a coleção é baseada na Revived Legends japonesa, como má notica temos o fato q as cartas da HGSS japonesa ñ lançadas em ingles, ñ vão ser lançadas agora... (se querem saber minha opinião, é para o Crobat Great, ñ combar com weezing da GE...) no + sme delegas algumas cartas q eu achei diguinas de nota da coleção (ps: tem cartas q eu já postei antes então ñ irei postar de novo!!!)

Vespiquen - Grass - HP 100
Stage 1 - Evolves from Combee

Poke-Body: Defense Sign
All of your Benched Grass-type Pokemon take no damage from attacks.

[G][C][C] Mach Wind: 60 damage. During your next turn, this Pokemon has no retreat cost.

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 3

Umbreon - Darkness - HP 90
Stage 1 - Evolves from Eevee

[D] Moonlight Fang: 30 damage. Prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to this Pokemon by your opponent’s Pokemon with any Poke-Powers or Poke-Bodies during your opponent’s next turn.
[D][C] Quick Attack: 30 damage. Flip a coin, if heads this attack does an additional 30 damage.

Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 1

(seu Moonlight fang chateia muito deck por ai... e bem é só...)

Tyranitar - Darkness - HP 160
Stage 2 - Evolves from Pupitar

[D] Dark Battle Cry: Does 20 damage to every Pokemon in play (yours and your opponent’s) excluding any Dark-type Pokemon. (Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance when damaging the Bench.)
[D][C][C] Power Claw: 60 damage. Ignore all effects on the opponent’s Active Pokemon when doing this damage.
[D][D][C][C] Megaton Tail: 120 damage. Discard 3 cards from the top of your deck.

Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 3

(Dark Battle Cry... serio... vc acha q ele tem outro motivo para estar aqui??? (ps: nidoqueen aca ba com ele (kkkkkkkk))

Smeargle - Colorless - HP 70
Basic Pokemon

Poke-Power: Portrait
You can use this power once during your turn, if this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon. Look at your opponent’s hand and choose 1 Supporter card you find there. Then, use the effect of the chosen card as an effect of this power. This power can’t be used if this Pokemon is affected by a Special Condition.

[C][C] Tail Slap: Flip 2 coins, this attack does 20 damage times the number of heads.

(Portrait pode tornar ele uma especie de Gadevoir q vé a mão e é stage 1... porem o poder é restrito a oponentes q tenham supporters na mão)

(simplismenete rare candy... nem irei postar a tradução ta legal???)

Legend Box - Goods

Reveal 10 cards from the top of your deck. If the components of a Legendary Pokemon are among the revealed cards, play 1 set onto your Bench, then attach every Energy from among the revealed cards to that Legendary Pokemon. Return the remaining cards to your deck and shuffle your deck.

You can use any number of Goods cards during your turn.

(Agora pokémons Legendarys vão rular!!! (ps: Goods é = Trainer blz???))

Flower Shop Girl - Supporter

Show 3 Pokemon cards and 3 Basic Energy cards from your discard pile to your opponent, then return them to your deck. Shuffle your deck afterward.

You can only use 1 Supporter card during your turn. To use it, place it next to your Active Pokemon and discard it at the end of your turn.

(Night Maintenance com efeito dobrado só q Supporter...)

Flareon - Fire - HP 90
Stage 1 - Evolves from Eevee

[C] Flame Tail: 30 damage.
[R][R][C] Flamethrower: 90 damage. Discard 1 Energy attached to this Pokemon.

Weakness: Water (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

(30 com uma energia qualquer + 90 discartando somente uma, num stage 1 é muito!!!, só para citar o charizard da arceus q causa 80 de dano com um custo igual e discartando a mesma energia!!! (sem niguem atras tb...))

Espeon - Psychic - HP 90
Stage 1 - Evolves from Eevee

[P] Hints of Sun: Choose up to 4 damage counters on your Pokemon and place them on your opponent’s Pokemon in any way you like.
[P][C] Psybeam: 30 damage. Flip a coin, if heads the opponent’s Active Pokemon is now Confused.

Weakness: Psychic (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

(1 energia e vc cura 4o dos seus pokémons e distribui 4 M entre os pokémons do seu oponente... nem roba...)

Burned Tower - Stadium

Each player may flip a coin during his or her turn. If heads, that player shows 1 Basic Energy card from his or her discard pile to the opponent and puts it in his or her hand.

During your turn you may play only 1 Stadium card next to your Active Pokemon. If a Stadium with a different name comes into play, discard this card.

(Boa em qualquer deck)